Russia Participation- One Day on Earth - 12.12.12


This is Emilie Dumay from the One Day on Earth team.
I'm reaching out about our next global filming event: 12.12.12 on December 12th, 2012!
I want to invite you to film with us this year. I'm hoping that together we can capture a deeper story of life in Russia. Please let me know if you're planning on filming, or if you have any questions about participation.

Нас пригласили сделать фильм 12.12.12, то есть заснять события в этот день. Все события будут объединены в фильм

 "Один день Земли"
On December 12th, 12.12.12, across the planet, documentary filmmakers, students, and other inspired citizens will record the human experience over a 24-hour period and contribute their voice to the third annual global day of media creation called One Day on Earth. Together, we will create a shared archive and a film.
Founded in 2008, One Day on Earth's first media creation event occurred on 10.10.10. and the second on 11.11.11. The 10.10.10 collaboration was the first ever simultaneous filming event occurring in every country of the world. One Day on Earth collaborations create a unique geo-tagged video archive as well as an annual feature film.
Together, we are showcasing the amazing diversity, conflict, tragedy, and triumph that occurs in one day. We invite you to join our international community of thousands of filmmakers, hundreds of schools, and dozens of non-profits, and contribute to this unique global mosaic. One Day on Earth is a community that not only watches, but participates.

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